Online consultation
How does it work?
Online consultations have been introduced to allow those who need advice on their animals but perhaps cannot have visitors in the home or who are out of our catchment area. Online consultations consist of:
An analysis of your animals gait based on either videos sent over prior to the session or live during the session
Advise on your animals posture and loading of the limbs
Management help and ideas to maintain a health lifestyle
Information regarding appropriate exercises to try with your dog
Video analysis feedback of your animal performing their exercises
Unfortunately we cannot perform treatment via an online service, however we can show you some simple massage techniques to try with your animals.
Book in now:
Cost: £45 per session
Time: Up to 1hr of video consultation via GoogleMeet
Follow up feedback on exercises and gait analysis
Please note this service is not a substitute for veterinary care or in-person veterinary physiotherapy. However we believe it is important to offer this service so anyone and any dog can get help if needed.
Personalised exercise plans
Exercise plans will be programmed to your dogs specific requirements based on video analysis feedback.
Cost: £25
Follow up feedback also available